Monday 17 December 2012

I started this blog for two main reasons. First of all I have always wanted to have an avenue to associate and share ideas with youths all over the world. I enjoy discovering new things and watching others do same.  Secondly, I watched a film some weeks ago, which prompted me to quit procrastinating and start my blog. It’s a movie titled ‘Julie and julia’. The movie might seem uninteresting at first, but if you watch it for the sake of learning and not fun , you will learn a lot. Julie had my kind of problem. She never finished anything she started, so one day she came upon a cookery book by Julia Child, she opened a blog and set a deadline of one year within which she must have finished the entire 435 recipes in the book. Every of her daily activity was updated on her blog. It was a nice challenge to take up.
             Personally, I’ve written about five books halfway, without finishing any. I have always blamed it on one thing or the other. So I’ve decided to take up the challenge of sharing seven things with the youth of the world every week and I’ll set a deadline of 10 weeks (70 days). I would ensure I learn something new every day, so that for a day, I will have a new thing to share. I do not have access to a regular internet supply, so I’ll update my blog once or twice in a week. I will begin on the18th of December and end on the 4th of February. I sincerely hope many people get to read my blogs and learn from it. I will also appreciate your comments. Thanks.

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