Friday 28 December 2012


SEX: A punishment from our first parent.
            Although it’s amazing how much we get to learn when we engage in chit chats , it’s much more incredible the thoughts that spring to mind as a result of the topic of discussion. I am a fan of inspiring and educative discussions. It’s not so important that I be a part of it, I could just be a silent spectator and get to learn much more than an argumentative partaker.       With the youth of this generation, it all boils down to issues of sex, love and relationship. Sometimes for those with uncommon piety, religion becomes a topic. Today, it turned out I was the ‘lead speaker’. If after reading this, you end up thinking I’m a misogynist, then I won’t put the blame on you. But I’m quite sure I’m not.
            I am not so sure of what led to the discussion, but I remember that we laughed over the story of an 18year old boy and his 16year old girlfriend, seeking help from the writer in their relationship. I wasn’t the least astounded to see that because I’ve heard of worst cases. The unfair thing is that love is always the culprit. They’ll claim to be obviously in love. I listened to my friend unravel the mystery of love and it’s insensitivity to age. What crammed my mind was something much more dangerous to utter lest it seemed unappealing to God. Just try to understand me and do not be hasty to judge.
            The way I view sex, especially these days that even the most immature indulge in it, I view it as a punishment from God. The world would have had one less sin to deal with if sex had not been invented. Mind you, I’m not contesting God’s creation. We live in an era when parents are scared to mention the three lettered words to their children. Unknown to them, their ‘innocent’ kids’ later find out what it entails from friends and there goes their innocence. My friend pointed out the impossibility of conception without sex. That’s true, but I think conception was the punishment for sex, especially, premarital sex. Supposing there was a kind of forbidden tree one had to eat from before conceiving, the world would have been a lot less corrupt.
            Picture this: a world where men and women who love each other, just have to await the right time to get married. There would be nothing immoral in the atmosphere and it will be the most innocent relationship that ever was. I would love to live in a world like this.
            The most appalling thing is that most of our youth just view sex as the right arm of love. The women achieve love from sex, while the men derive sex from love. its now the true proof of love.
            In essence, I view love as a divine gift from God and sex as a punishment from our first parents. I know that many will be fast enough to narrow it down to eve. this is just a sparse detail of my due time, i will expound explicitly what i really feel about sex and the youth of today.

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