Friday 25 January 2013

How to overcome your
shyness and develop
your courage  (1)
How often have you found yourself trembling, heart pounding,
legs weak, cheeks on fire, when facing a colleague or your boss, a
teacher or a traffic cop, or simply a person of the opposite sex?
Shyness can be paralyzing at any age. It causes bizarre anxieties,
nightmares, indigestion and, when the occasion to be strong and affirmative
has passed, infinite regrets.
Do you thing you’re beyond hope?
If you do, you’re wrong. Shyness can be treated. You might not
be aware that most psychologists who have published works on the
subject, were at one time very shy themselves. Who is more likely to
be interested in shyness, and write hundreds of pages about it, than a
person who is shy!
Those who have never suffered from shyness are incapable of
understanding to what point it can ruin our lives and make us unhappy.
Self assurance, confidence and ease of expression are the main
qualities of a magnetic personality. If being shy is forcing you to hidebehind a shell, then you’re missing out on many of the beauties of
existence. Throw away your shell, and learn to live a full and satisfying
What kind of shy person are you?
This is no joke. There are varying degrees and numerous types of
This test will tell you what category you
belong to:
1. You’re invited to a party with thirty other people. You only
know one of them:
a) You don’t leave that person’s side the whole evening.
b) You chat with two or three other people, who seem as
alone as you are.
c) You move from one group to another, and take advantage
of the opportunity to make new acquaintances.
2. You have go to an interview for a new job:
a) You don’t sleep the night before.
b) You have a hard time getting to sleep, convinced that the
other candidates have more chance of getting the job than
you do.
c) You get a good night’s sleep, confident of your abilities
and qualifications.
3. You arrive late for a conference, and realize that the entrance is
right in front of the audience.
a) You walk right in. b) You wait in the hallway for another latecomer, and slip in
c) You wait for a break in the proceedings before entering.
4. During a group discussion, you’re asked to voice your opinion
about a subject that is familiar to you:
a) You feel uncomfortable because people are looking at you,
but you are able to provide an acceptable explanation.
b) You’re taken by surprise, and find yourself incapable of
expressing yourself coherently.
c) You provide a clear and concise explanation, without
feeling in the least embarrassed.
5. At a meeting where the participants are asked to state their
a) You never take the floor because you’re convinced that
you have nothing important to say.
b) You speak out whenever you have a suggestion.
c) You take the floor, and joke a bit before stating your
opinion in a clear and concise manner.
6. The opinions of your colleagues:
a) Sometimes cause you to change your attitude in order to
please them.
b) Slide off you like water off a duck’s tail.
c) Often prevent you from sleeping.
7. You’re waiting in line when a few people push in front of you:
a) You automatically step back in front of them.
b) You ask them firmly but politely not to push in line.
c) You’re afraid they’ll get aggressive and don’t say
anything. 8. You’re discussing a subject you don’t know much about with a
group of specialists:
a) You are very impressed, and feel somewhat inadequate.
b) You avoid saying much because you’re not familiar with
the subject, but you don’t feel inferior because you do have
a lot of expertise in other fields.
c) You admit your ignorance, and show a desire to learn
9. You find yourself with a group of people who are somewhat
a) You let them know that you’re nobody’s fool.
b) You try and be as snobbish as they are.
c) You’re very impressed, and don’t dare say anything for
fear of appearing ridiculous.
10. Your boss turns around and blames you for doing exactly what
he asked you to do:
a) You start excusing yourself and feel guilty.
b) You excuse yourself and explain that you had trouble
understanding his orders correctly.
c) You remind him of his orders, politely but firmly,
11. You’re in the waiting room of a doctor who specializes in sexually
transmitted diseases:
a) You wonder what the other people must think of you.
b) You behave as if you were in any other waiting room.
c) You try to let the other patients know that you haven’t got
that kind of problem.
12. Do you wear sunglasses:
a) Neverb) Sometimes
c) V Very often
13, When you have to make a speech or a presentation:
a) You concentrate only on what you’re going to say, and
neglect to listen to other people’s speeches.
b) You half listen, but you’re distracted.
c) You listen closely, and adapt your own speech to what has
been said before.
14. You get the impression that other people:
a) Treat you as an equal.
b) Treat you with condescension.
c) Make fun of you.
15. When someone compliments you:
a) You feel uncomfortable, and mutter a few indistinct words
in return.
b) You transfer the credit to someone else, and quickly change
the subject.
c) You thank the person who complimented you.
16. When someone says something nasty about you:
a) You are incapable of replying on the spot, and then spend
the next two hours regretting that you didn’t come up
with this or that retort.
b) You feel rejected, misunderstood and disliked.
c) You reply immediately.
17. Do you think that others know how shy you are?
a) Somewhat
b) Perfectly
c) Not at all
18. When someone you don’t know raises their voice nearby:
a) You immediately feel guilty.
b) You think that the person needs to learn more self control.
c) You laugh about it because whatever the cause is, it doesn’t
concern you.
19. You’re on vacation, and someone invites you to join their group
for dinner:
a) You refuse because you don’t know the people, and end
up eating alone.
b) You refuse at first, but then feel obligated to accept when
the person insists.
c) You accept or decline, according to how your mood, with
out feeling in the least disturbed.
20. Your shyness:
a) Prevents you from saying what you think.
b) Makes you say things that you really don’t think.
c) Does not prevent you from expressing

Saturday 12 January 2013

THURSDAY, January 10th, 2013.

Overcoming your social phobia
          Courtesy: John Winston Bush, PhD
New York Institute for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies

        SOCIAL PHOBIA (also called social anxiety disorder) is an excessive fear of
what other people might think of us. Our opinions of each other should
matter — if they didn’t, we’d be living in a corner of hell, not a civilized
society. But when someone is suffering from social phobia, he or she is
feeling an exaggerated concern for public opinion — one that goes far beyond
what we need in order to relate to other people for our mutual benefit.
In social phobia, we are aware of fear or gnawing anxiety — in the actual
presence of other people, in anticipation of being in their presence, or when
we imagine them being somewhere else but thinking of us. But though it
might seem otherwise, it is not actually their physical presence or being in
their thoughts that we dread, nor is it even being the direct focus of their
attention. It is how they might judge us if we give them the chance — by
being in their presence, by calling attention to ourselves, or doing something
to remind them of us.
We imagine — or most often, unconsciously assume — that they will see us
as ugly, stupid, weak, awkward, unwelcome, worthless, or cursed with some
other undesirable quality. In time, we may even come to believe (at least in
our less rational moments) that we really are as bad as all that.
Strictly speaking, it isn’t even people’s judgments that we fear, but our own
emotional reactions to their judgments, whether the judgments are real or
imaginary. At bottom, what we are afraid of is the private (often quite
secret) experience of feeling embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, disgraced, rejected
or humiliated.
These can be very painful, even crippling, emotions, and it might make sense
to try to head them off when there is a real likelihood of their happening.
But in social phobia, we have these reactions even when no one is judging us
negatively, and we expect to have them in future situations where they are
objectively unlikely. In addition — and in a sense this is the worst of it —
we believe or assume that such feelings have to be unbearable, rather than
being experiences we can cope with, take in stride and put behind us in a
reasonable amount of time.

How is such craziness possible?
Good question. You’d think that the minds of humans, whose brains have
made us the dominant species on our planet, would be immune to such
absurdities. But as it turns out, even otherwise competent brains are capable
of something as senseless as making us afraid of routine contacts with other
people. Current neuroimaging and related research points to two factors that
in combination can result in social phobia:
Hypersensitive amygdalas. We have two bits of brain tissue, each about
the size of the smallest segment of our little finger, that have been “wired”
for sentry duty. They are shaped roughly like almonds1, and there is one
on each side of the brain, in the temporal lobes — so called because they
are located behind our temples. (In
this cutaway picture2, the bulge at
the lower tip of the gold loop where
the yellow arrow is pointing.) Their
job is to pick up on signs of possible
If our amygdalas detect danger where
it isn’t, or react as if we were in great
danger when the peril is actually
slight, they are going to send false
alarms to the parts of our brains that mobilize us for self-protection —
responses that include running away, freezing, hiding, and fighting. In
social phobia, false alarms somehow come to be triggered by the sight or
sound of other people, or even by remembering or imagining ourselves in
the presence or thoughts of other people.
Unbalanced communication between brain regions. No doubt due to the
strong evolutionary bias in favor of staying physically alive, human brains
are so arranged that danger signals take priority over our capacity to carry
on other activities, including high-level conscious thinking. In the world of
our prehistoric ancestors, the smart but unwary were likely to end up
impaled on an enemy’s spear — survival of the skittish, you might say.
The result is that there are more brain-cell fibers sending information
from the amygdalas and nearby structures to the frontal cortex — the
region behind our foreheads where we do our rational thinking — than
there are running in the other direction. This enables the amygdalas’
danger signals to hijack our thought processes rather effectively. They {1 Amygdala is the Greek word for almond. 2 Courtesy of} have about a half-second jump on cortical activation, which is all they need
to take over the ship and set off a vicious cycle in which fear alternates
with struggling to escape or tame the fear, with unpredictable and
sometimes very painful consequences.
For most of us in today’s world, however, there aren’t too many hostile
tribes in the vicinity. Thus if our amygdalas very often over-react to
situations involving other people, social isolation and lost opportunities
rather than an extended lifespan are likely to be the result.

        So now what do I do?
Oh, you mean that lovely explanation hasn’t cured your social phobia
already? Well, all right, if you insist; here are the things that (with one
possible exception) you will need to do to become more comfortable with your
fellow humans. They’re grouped under five headings:
Cognitive — correcting some of your thoughts, beliefs and assumptions
about how others see you, and about the stake you have in their opinions
of you.
Behavioral — entering and remaining in the presence of other people long
enough for your fears to subside. (Which they will do all by themselves if
you go about it in the right way.)
Defusion and mindfulness — activities, to be described below, that will
make it easier to carry out your cognitive and behavioral tasks.
Medication — another way for some people to help carry out their cognitive
and behavioral tasks, but assumed unnecessary until shown otherwise.
Personal values — clarifying what it is you care about, and what you
would want to work toward if given a chance.

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