Tuesday 8 January 2013

FRIDAY, January 4th 2013


AS RITA ROUNDED A CORNER, she caught a glimpse of the red salon that seemed to have been trailing her from the supermarket she had stopped at earlier on.
Perhaps an old buddy trying to find out if I was really her. It wouldn’t amaze her if very few people could recognize her. She’d never really frequented Nigeria. No even after her mum’s burial. That was a year ago. Now she had only returned for the memorial service.
She squirmed and shifted in her seat as her jeep bumped its way slowly down the drive. She thought of the bumpy ride from the airport. The roads were as bad as ever. A nice way of saying ‘welcome back’, so it seemed. The streets looked deserted as she drove past.
The sight of a petrol station crowded with cars reminded her that certain things never change.
A low whistle escaped her lips as the house came into view. The house was looking ramshackle.
Anyway, empty houses quickly take on a forlorn look. She thought.
She hadn’t informed anyone, except Kate Simon, her best friend - that she was returning and she had done her a great favour by bringing her car right to the airport. She ought to have called Seyi - the house keeper- earlier on.
She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as her eyes surveyed the house.
The window frames were rimmed with dust. The door too. The flowers needed pruning, the grasses were waist high, the walls…
She suddenly felt ridiculous to have to sit and stare, when there was obviously a lot to be done.
She eased the car into gear, then drove into the covered parking spot.
The floor needs washing. She observed as she stepped out of the car.
She suddenly stopped as she saw the slough of a snake. Fear clutched at her heart as she walked on. She retrieved her bags from the booth and walked to the front door. She inserted the key in the keyhole and opened the door. The living room was hot and frowsty, but welcoming all the same. She opened the windows to let in fresh air and turned on the fan.
Closing the door softly behind her, she hugged her veil around her as she strolled from room to room and floor to floor, switching on light bulbs. The house curved and twisted giving access to a balcony to as many rooms as possible.
She switched on the bulbs at the first floor, just then as her eyes spotted something that made her skin crawl at the sight of it.
The scream she heard was hers.

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