Sunday 6 January 2013

MONDAY, December 31st


          We are just a day from the year 2013, so I thought I should share something a little touching. Not many people appreciate the fact that they’re alive to see the next year. This is because they do not understand the importance of life. When we do understand how sacred our life is, we will take great care of not just ours, but others’. A lot of people ae going to be making new year resolutions. What’s important is not making them, but implementing them. I do hope we add the appreciation of life to our ‘shopping cart’.
          When we broach the issue of the importance of life, it is important to note the meaning of life itself. The meaning of life is a concept that provides an answer to the philosophical question concerning the significance of life or existence in general. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, in his book The way to inner peace, wrote, “Never before in the history of the world was there so much wealth, and never before so much poverty: never before so much power and never before so little peace: never before so much education and never before so little coming to the knowledge of truth”. These words written in 1955, seem just as applicable today.
            We live in a time when the value of human life is under attack. At the very least the value of human life appears to have been significantly diminished. Today we measure our value and the value of others in terms of material possessions, wealth, power, position, title, education, houses, cars and pleasure. There are those who tell us that it is the quality of life that is most important and that when the quality of life diminishes, it’s no longer worth living.
This little story below which I’ll titleA MOTHER’S SECRET”  is an illustration of how sacred and precious life is.
            She was a beautiful young woman, just into her twenties. Happy, outgoing and extremely friendly, Beatrice had no trouble making friends. She was little more than a year from finishing university and her dream job would be awaiting when she finished. But now, for the first time in her life, things were in total disarray. Her boyfriend of several years had just broken off the relationship as he chose to take a job offer half way across the country. What he didn't know was that he would not only be leaving Beatrice behind, but he would be leaving a daughter behind too.
            Weeks before her boyfriend moved away, Beatrice suspected she was pregnant, but didn't want to further disrupt things by saying anything. She knew that while she had loved her boyfriend, they would both be able to move on to independently forge happy and successful lives. After having confirmed her suspicions about being pregnant she took some time to contemplate. She had met with several doctors and finally decided it would be best to quietly end the pregnancy. A few weeks later, after having researched her options, she went in for an abortion and came out assured that she had made the right choice.
            Beatrice eventually got married and did in fact build a happy family. No one ever knew her secret, but it was best that way. At times she did think about the past and the daughter she almost had, but for the most part, life was good to her. This afternoon, things changed.
            Beatrice was on her way to pick up her two teenagers from school when her car was side-swiped by a semi-trailer. No seatbelt or airbag was a match for the blunt force that likely killed her instantly. Beatrice's story doesn't end here.
            Death found Beatrice and she stands before God in heaven. It is her judgment day - a day in which we all must face God and answer to Him for our life on earth. For the first time, Beatrice will look up and see the face of God the Father, with Jesus Christ sitting at his right hand side. At that moment, she will notice the face of an innocent young child who is sitting on Christ's knee. Beatrice's secret was never truly hidden, and now her own daughter asks - "Why did you kill me mommy? Why didn't you choose to love and accept me the way God loves and accepts you?"
            I don't know how Beatrice responded to that piercing question. I can only imagine the surprise that baby girls' father will have when he dies and meets the daughter he never knew he had.
            The very foundation of our importance as individuals,  lie in our creation. We are important because we are created by God. We did not just “happen”. Our creation was not some accident of passion, neither were we created by chance. We exist as a result of a conscious, deliberate decision by our infinite, all-knowing, all-wise, all-loving God.
             He called each one by his name, he gave us our parent, he chose the hour, day and year of our birth. He gave us the freedom to act on our own, to make our own decisions. He could have created the world without us, but didn’t. He chose us. He  made us in his image and likeness. Rev 1: 27 states  “ So God created human beings making them to be like himself”.  Do you know the most wonderful of all; he gave us the right to live. Now if our omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God deemed everyone from the tenderest of zygotes to the oldest of men, fit to live, who are we to go against his will.
             Think about this, if a man builds a house or creates something of specific value, consider the fact that he’ll be in a state of euphoria once it is successfully completed. Imagine the pain he will feel if the house is destroyed, the rancour with which he’ll attack the perpetrator of the act, will be matchless. He would not feel the same if he had destroyed it himself, because he alone has the right to destroy it, unless he gave those rights to someone else. I want to use this to illustrate the fact that God is unhappy when his creation is being destroyed because he has given no one the right to take away life, not even our own. That is why in Ex 20: 14, he told us not to commit murder. This just infer its literal meaning, rather it refers to every act that takes away life, this include euthanasia, abortion, homicide, amongst others.
            A final food for thought….. If our blessed mother, when she conceived Jesus, decided to terminate the pregnancy like Beatrice ….. what will be our faith now???  Who will be saved???
Please let us all treasure this life, and respect it because… life is sacred… life is precious….

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