Tuesday 8 January 2013

SATURDAY, January 5th 2013.


After regaining her composure she took a few steps forward in order to examine them closely. Her scream didn’t seem to have disturbed them.
How did they get in? No broken windows – The one that was broken on the day mum died had been replaced- …Oh yes! The chimney! They must have entered through the chimney.
She suddenly felt weak in her legs. How could she feel safe in this house, if things could crawl in anyhow? She suddenly remembered the snake slough she had seen earlier on and the fear quotient kicked in again.
She gave the cats a final glance and trotted on. One way or the other, she’d have to get them out of the house.
She opened the door to her room and popped her head in, switching on light bulb as she did. Thick cobwebs hung in the corner of the room. The floor was littered with sheet of papers.
She smiled grimly as she remembered how she had searched her room frantically, when her mum died. She was convinced that she had left her a message. It could have been a small paper stashed under the mattress, pillow or some other place. Madness had taken the place of sanity and in the end she disorganized the whole room… That was before she remembered the curious writing engraved on her mum’s bed.
She shook her head wishing she could blot out the memories of that night.
She could still see the yellowish writing in the eyes of her mind.
She had shown it to some of her colleagues and they had given her the same answer. It was a coded writing. She had been careful enough not to tell them it’s source. “I came across it while reading a book,” she told each one of them, praying silently as she watched them frantically try to decipher the code. It was just an unapproachable piece of writing.
Opening a window, she set about cleaning the room. She picked a broom and started with cobwebs.

AN HOUR LATER, she returned to the living room to find it cool from the fan. It was no more the sour smelling room it had been before.
Her stomach churned, reminding her that she was hungry. She had refused to eat anything in the afternoon. With that in mind, she pulled out a pack of potatoes crisps and began munching on it.
She could hear sounds of revelry from next door. Perhaps a night party, she thought.
She walked to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone. Yawning widely she tried to concentrate.
A couple staggered out of the house and down the narrow driveway, seconds later, she heard a car roaring away.
She stifled another yawn as she saw a lone man coming out of the house. He stood there for a few seconds looking around him, and then he walked towards the flower beds.
For an awkward moment, she felt like screaming as she watched him urinate.
Oh my God! She exclaimed angrily. I have to put up a fence here one day or some fool will destroy my flowers. Anyway, she thought, shrugging her shoulders, who knows what they’ve been doing before?
She wondered why despite its magnificence, the Maxwell House never had a fence, only flower beds separating it from other houses.
With time, the pungent smell of urine reached her nose. Overcome with irritation, she closed the window. She wondered how frequent the parties were. She wasn’t a party lady and couldn’t imagine putting up with the noise it came with.
Reaching for the switch, she turned off the light and walked up the steps to her room.


FEW METERS AWAY, leaning against a car with a cigarette in his hand, a man watched as the rooms became dark
He tossed the cigarette aside and stood straight.
‘Good’ he said gently. ‘I’ll be with you in a minute.’ Then he walked briskly towards the house.

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