Sunday 6 January 2013

TUESDAY, January 1st 2013.

Today is the first day of the year. Nothing has changed except the year. Do not go struggling to make up for year 2012. There is a reason why you couldn’t make it then, all you have to do is calm down and re-strategize. I have decide to begin the year with a tit-bit of my novel titled ‘Who killed mother? I’ll publish just a few chapters for all to read. I do hope you enjoy reading.

What happens when an adventure is not embarked upon for fun…


AS SHE ENTERED THE ROOM, she had a foreboding that something was wrong. The curtains were drawn, making the room dark. The air was also unusually parched.
            At the end of the room was a large bed. As her eyes became used to the dim light, she saw that a figure lay prone on the bed. She inched closer. The half closed eyes and wide open mouth showed that it was gasping for breath. Stumbling across the room, she screamed, suddenly realizing who it was.
The eyes opened wide enough to see her, and then the whitish lips moved. She had to bend closer to catch the whispered words.
            “Take… care… my dear” her mother said in-between gasps.
“No mum! Stop it! What happened?”
“I… your aunt…” Her weak hands gripped the bedstead as she struggled to speak.
“…she… “
Her voice failed, her grip on the bedstead slackened, and her eyes closed again, but this time she was not asleep.
“No! No mum! You can’t do this to me!”
She screamed, tears blurring her vision.
“Nooooo…!” She screamed, nudging the body, wishing it was all a dream as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.
Her screams rang around the large house, so that she heard them again in a split second. Nobody seemed to hear her.
Suddenly, she stopped screaming. Not because she felt like it, but because she had seen something…
It was a curious writing on the wooden frame of the bed. The chalky yellowish colour showed that it was written with a tablet of medicine.
Io’v3’Io”3w”s3uo”Io’v’Io”jn’733f’ I
Unable to understand it, she stood up, her face mirroring her bewilderment. Struck by the reality of death, she screamed again, but this time, something moved. Even with blurred vision, she saw it…… A shadow. Then all went blank.

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