Saturday 12 January 2013

WEDNESDAY, January 9th, 2013

Getting Organized (3)

            Organizing your time
Many people waste countless hours each year searching for lost or misplaced
items. When you give everything that you own a “home,” you’ll eliminate
frustrating searches. Here are some ways to save time, which will help you be
more organized:
·  Pack lunches the night before. You’ll be glad for the extra time in the morning.
·  Choose your next day’s clothes the night before. Encourage children to do the same
to avoid last-minute outfit changes or hurried searches for matching socks.
·  Set priorities. Make and prioritize “to do” lists. Determine what has to be
accomplished each day and week. Put the most important items high on the list
and work your way down. If the items lowest on the list don’t get done, they
can probably be moved to the next day’s to do list.
·  Turn off the phone. If interruptions are a problem, unplug the phone or let your
answering machine or voice mail handle calls when you are especially busy.
·  Carry reading material in your purse, briefcase, or car. Catch up on your reading
when you’re waiting for an appointment, riding the bus, etc.
·  Cook double batches so you have enough food for two meals. When you prepare
dinner, cook extra and freeze food for another night.
·  Buy in bulk. When possible, buy food and non-perishables in bulk to save trips
to the store.
·  Schedule your most difficult tasks during periods when you are the most focused and
have the most energy. For example, if writing is hard for you, schedule that task
at a time of day when you are most alert. Save mindless tasks for times when
you are low on energy.
6 l Getting Organized
·  Run errands on the way to and from work to avoid making extra trips.
·  Group your errands by location. Before you run an errand, determine what else
you can accomplish in the same part of town. For instance, on your way to the
library, you might pick up a prescription and drop off your laundry if the
pharmacy and the dry cleaner are on the way.

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