Sunday 6 January 2013

THURSDAY, January 3rd.2013


    “GOOD GOD!” HE EXCLAIMED, surprise evident in his tone. He pulled off the road and drove down the driveway that led to the supermarket.
He killed the engine and leaned back in his seat, watching Rita’s retreating figure, her long, dark, hair bouncing from side to side as she walked.
His heart had given a sudden leap when he saw her.
When he’d last seen her, about two years back, she was still the strange girl he’d always known.Always blowing hot and cold at will.
A smart and classically beautiful lady. She hardly went clubbing and was always too serious for a relationship. As cold as verkhoyansk...As unapproachable as a star. He chuckled, amused at his poetic use of words.
Once he had publicly criticized her. She grew livid with him and gave him a wide berth thereafter. He learnt she worked with a venture capital investment in London. That meant a fat purse.
He envied her. She seemed to have all she could possibly wan. A beautiful, proud and independent woman, the heiress of the Maxwell castle would need little or no support or protection from any man.
Presently, she walked out of the supermarket with two bags in her hand. Just looking at her, one would know she had blue veins in her blood.
She was greeting people all the way to her car.
An unrecognisable princess mingling with the crowd. He smiled as he saw her struggle to put a bag in her car booth. They seemed weighty.
It would be nice to say hello, he thought. He pushed down on the door handle and stopped. A thought crossed his mind.
What’s today’s date? He asked himself, his eyes scanning the little calendar hanging from his rear-view mirror.
His brows rose in surprise. Aha! It is already 26th. Just four days more… and the fun would begin… he could hardly wait. Chuckling in anticipation, he envisaged the sort of commotion his actions would cause. He would have reporters scheming for information, trying to produce juicy news reports, he police argus-eyed and families bereaved.
He knew it was going to stir up a hornets’ nest. He’d n done this for three years with the victims increasing every year  by leaps and bounds. This year, here would be five…five people…five jewels…five sweeties…five…five ladies…
He stared as Rita cast her eyes in his direction. He walked steadily to the driver’s side of her jeep, her eyes still on his saloon- or on something around it- she got into her car and drove slowly out of the parking lot.
She’d make a delicious meal. He thought, a wicked smile playing at the corner of his lips.
He knew she was heading northwards. Seconds later, he was following her closely with two cars separating them.

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